Forced Updates Due To Security Issues

Cornershop makes every effort to be on top of security issues steaming from themes and plugins.  Oftentimes, the developers of these 3rd party tools swiftly provide a patch that requires performing an update, which we want to make sure we do as soon as possible.  

While rare, updates pose the risk of breaking default and custom functionality on your site, and even more rare, may require sign-off on additional approved support hours outside your maintenance plan.  More information on updates can be found here.

In these cases, our Support team will reach out to provide information regarding the security vulnerability, plans to perform the update safely, and hours associated with resolving issues presented from the update.

We understand that these unplanned expenses can cause disruption and may not be financially feasible.  If that is the case, Cornershop can update the necessary tool(s) with the security vulnerability free of charge to make sure your site is up to date, but will not address any issues that arise from the update or can offer to only update select issues.

Similarly, if after repeated attempts our team does not hear from you, we will proceed with the update, but will not address any issues that arise from the update unless requested.  

In all cases, our team will be in communication regarding any action you need to take to make sure you site is secure.

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